Friday, May 10, 2013

The sun is down. Colleen's in her hospital bed, Room 919, two miles away. I just crawled into my hotel bed, Room 606, after another five-act day at Hopkins, this morning a vivid but distant memory. 

Colleen's surgery has been rescheduled for mid-afternoon Monday. I've calmed down about today's outcome, and am able to allow there may be a silver lining in this latest postponement that may reveal itself at a later time.

1 comment:

  1. The silver lining mentality is the only way to approach what has transpired over the past couple of days...there is no going back to the "what ifs" and " if onlys"....all that you can do is deal with what lies ahead by getting through each day of this struggle in the best way you both can do....I wish all of us who love and support you two could bottle up our hope and strenght and breath and send it to carrier pigeon! With love. Beth
