Thursday, September 19, 2013

Valerie Harper

What a role model! Valerie's interview with Meredith on TV tonight revealed a woman of strength, forward thinking and love. She didn't sugarcoat the gruesome challenge she faces but shows her determination to live in the present with a positive attitude. She has her moments of fear but she's not wallowing in her circumstance. Each day is a new day, roll baby roll. Now, she's out there on the dance floor. I'm blown away.
Valerie's comments about keeping notes and records is a great idea. I've done it for years though I would ask one of my sisters to take the notes. I would often feel like a "deer in headlights" trying to take in what doctors were explaining to me. I also keep a old fashioned 3 ring notebook with copies of all my tests. It does give you a feeling of control. And, there is so much information to absorb, the notes become invaluable.
While listening to Valerie's challenges, you realize that so many of us have obstacles to battle and we all must face death. Try to take solace in that, make the most of your day, and and out


  1. What is Valerie Harper's challenge?

  2. It was amazing to watch it with you Col. Your such a role model yourself! Love ya sis :)

  3. Colleen, you have been, and are, as much a force as Valerie Harper. She has been doing it for just a few months. You have been a warrior for YEARS!!!!!

  4. Agree with all of You...Colleen is my warrior! Lov u all SHEILA
