Monday, June 17, 2013

It was great to get home on Friday and load up on more medicine.  It turns out that the bacteria in the blood is listeria.  Atlantic County Disease Control called early this morning for this a bacteria has to be reported.  Wow!  All I could think of was Hoffman in "Outbreak".  They asked me lots of questions.  Most of my answers...Shop Rite.  ''They" speculate that it was from Turkey deli meat.  Who knows for sure.  People on immune suppressants drugs can't fight off this bacteria.  And, the beat goes on.  Here's what the little suckers look like:

The good news is I am feeling better.  The second good news, you didn't share a turkey sandwich with me.

1 comment:

  1. So glad your home :). Funny thing how these little bacteria always look SOO big under the microscope. They look just like Robert's weird thing. I guess I need to see that movie or maybe not. See you u in am.
