This past week at Johns Hopkins was a challenge and a learning experience. As many of you know, once you enter the medical labyrinth, it all becomes completely....
Whether it's medical info and decisions or figuring out what is covered by insurances while feeling so lousy, you're completely undone. I can honestly say that I'm not quite sure what the heart follow-up is going to be after Wednesday's procedure was aborted. I think I heard two different things. I received word today, however, that Dr. Mathai will be calling me to brief me again. Although I have high quality medical insurance, it would not cover the supplemental feeding. The nutritionists went to work to figure out an alternative in order to lower costs. Then, I received a call today telling me insurance will pay for equipment supplies, which leaves me only paying out-of-pocket for the food itself, not everything. That saves a few hundred. I learned you can't do anything about this insane maze that can take advantage of those of us who are compromised for some reason or another. Be patient and keep inquiring until you find someone who takes the step to find the answer. Secondly, have someone to back you up because you can't keep it all together yourself. That's why we have each other. I know I keep saying this but the support has kept me going. Prayers, cards, notes, trader joe's chocolate, inspiring quotes, blog followers, and all. If I could get points for all of this, I could fly around the world twice. How lucky am I?
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