Once upon a time, at the end of a busy day, I'd snuggle into bed and not stir till the break of morning. With long-term oxygen use, medications, and the thinking mind, those days are fewer. When I first woke last night, you'd think the weight of the lung transplant decision would be forefront in my mind. But, that wasn't it.
I was thinking about women and our attention to our hairstyles. I had seen a program sometime ago that highlighted the collective unconscious of women and their hair. Throughout history and around the world, the females have cut, colored, shaped, and adorned their hair. "How's my hair?" A question asked in many languages. During my last visit to my hair guru, I told her I needed a style that could withstand the rigors of the UPMC Evaluation. Lianne did not fail me. I looked at some of the pictures Mignon took. The results weren't too bad. The question now is, should I add more blonde highlights?
Your hair is always beautiful but I am always in favor of blond highlights.